

Create quality, sustainable infrastructure that is efficient and serves the community.

Environmental Services

Jefferson County maintains over 3,173 miles of sewer lines, 176 pumping stations, and 9 water reclamation facilities treating over 199 million gallons of sewage each day.

    • Wastewater Reclamation Facility Replacement and Renewal Projects
    • Wastewater Reclamation Facility Regulatory Compliance
    • Collection System Rehabilitation
    • Sanitary Sewer Overflow Abatements and Capacity Improvement
    • Pump Station Upgrades

Our goal is to have 90 percent of planned capital projects in each category let to construction within the planned year.

Environmental Services – Sewer Backups

Sewer backups into homes and businesses are highly disruptive to our citizens and businesses. To significantly reduce backups, ESD is prioritizing areas that are more likely to experience backups for

1.) regular maintenance through its cleaning optimization program and
2.) infiltration and inflow reduction, through its collection system and asset management system. Progress has been made on this since the release of the County’s 2020 strategic plan.

Our goal is to see these improvements continue, with a 20% reduction in home sewer backups in the next four-years.

Environmental Services – Wet-Weather Sewer Overflows

A primary goal of the County’s EPA consent decree is to control wet-weather-related sewer overflows. Through hydraulic modeling of the collection system, Environmental Services is systematically identifying the sources of these overflows. By optimizing the ways it reduces or contains outside water entering the system, and prioritizing the most problematic areas, ESD will improve the system and reduce these overflows efficiently and affordably as possible. Progress has been made on this since the release of the County’s 2020 strategic plan.

Our goal is to see these improvements continue, with a 40% reduction in wet-weather sewer overflows in the next four years.

General Services

Jefferson County maintains 26 different facilities throughout the county, accounting for over 2.7 million square feet, including a 9-story jail in Birmingham, a 4-story jail in Bessemer, and a Youth Detention facility that each operate around the clock, year-round.

• Renovations
• New Construction

Our goal is to have 90 percent of planned capital projects in each category let to construction within the planned year.

Roads and Transportation

Jefferson County maintains 1,900 miles of roads; 310 bridges and 434 traffic signals.

 • Bridges
 • Capacity Improvement
 • Drainage
 • Resurfacing
 • Safety
 • Special Projects

 Our goal is to have 90 percent of planned capital projects in each category let to construction within the planned year.

Roads and Transportation -Paving

The County has many miles of County roads that have a poor or lower inspection rating. The inspection rating is based on items such as the number of potholes, cracks, rutting, and other condition factors. The county has built an automated inspection truck where computers, cameras, and laser equipment will automatically measure the number of potholes, cracks, etc. The road inspection data is processed by a computer program that will give the Roads & Transportation Department real-time information. That information is then used to select roads for pacing and repair projects.

Progress has been made on this since the release of the County’s 2020 strategic plan.

>Our goal remains to resurface a total of 520 miles (Approximately 25%) of county-maintained roadway over every four-year span.