Jefferson County, Alabama

Stormwater Management Program Plan


To report Stormwater pollution, call our hotline at (205) 325-5792
To report illegal dumping and trash issues, call (205) 325-5321 Option 6

Jefferson County is required to develop, revise, implement, maintain, and enforce a stormwater management program that includes controls necessary to reduce the discharge of pollutants from its MS4 consistent with Section 402(p)(3)(B) of the Clean Water Act and 40 CFR Part 122.26.

The requirements must be met by developing and implementing a stormwater management program plan (SWMPP) that addresses the best management practices (BMPs), control techniques and systems, design and engineering methods, public participation and education, monitoring, and other appropriate provisions designed to reduce the discharge of pollutants from the MS4 to the maximum extent practicable (MEP).

The Stormwater Division of the Roads and Transportation Department developed the SWMPP. If you have questions, please get in touch with Jeanne Barnes (P.E.) at

Stormwater Management Program Plan
Click the links below to view the Jefferson County Stormwater Management Program Plan and related appendices.